Achievements Archive
What have we done?
Since its beginning in the Autumn of 2010,the Sevenoaks District Seniors Action Forum has been guided by one aim:
Improving the lives of people over 50 in the Sevenoaks District
Below is what we have achieved:
March 2019
We sent a response to SDC regarding the Community Plan Consultation 2019
We advertised the opportunity for people to give their views regarding the location of the Urgent Care Centre in the Dartford Gravesham & Swanley area
We participated in the SDC Access Group meeting
We participated in a meeting to discuss the Kent & Medway Care Record
We advertised the changes to Bus Services around Sevenoaks taking effect from April.
February 2019
We advertised the open days at Bat & Ball Station
We submitted the Committee’s response to Reg 19 of the 2015-35 response to SDC’s Local Plan
We advertised the Sevenoaks Community Plan consultation
January 2019
We advertised the KCC Libraries consultation.
We advertised the BBC consultation about Licences for over 75 year olds.
We reported on the Big Conversation about Bus Services.
December 2018
We supported the 20 is Plenty for Otford Campaign
We advertised the Age UK Christmas lunch.
We met with the RVS
We attended one of the meetings with South East Water consulting about the Sevenoaks Water Main.
September 2018
We have increased membership
We attended and recruited at the Heavy Horse Show in Shoreham
We ran a successful Coffee Morning on 1st October with District Chairman present.
We supported the New Ash Green Pop Ins (2 events per month)
We attended and recruited at Penshurst Pop In
We submitted a paper on Loneliness which enhanced credibility and reputation of SDSAF
We were invited to nominate attendee for People’s Panel
The New Contract designed by Frank McConnell accepted by Engaging Kent
We were involved in the South East Elderly Fora: Merilyn Canet participates
Questions posed to West Kent CCG to prompt improvement of the Wheelchair Service
Alan Dixon has produced Statistical Data that is seen as an essential tool in scrutinising plans and proposals
Access Group at SDC attended by our Chairman and Dr. Howard Leicester
We have given feedback about the Local Plan
We have made contact with Dartford Gravesham & Swanley CCG
Our new Website is up and running
Direct Action 2010 to 2018
We funded, via a Big Lottery grant, defibrillators in parishes in the Sevenoaks District,
We influenced the District Council to hold the Second Inquiry into the Broomhill development in Swanley and not inconveniently in Sevenoaks.
We have taken opportunities to influence decision makers on the travel and transport needs of older people. We were heavily involved in battling KCC’s bus service cuts causing an about turn in late 2017/early 2018.
Our Vice Chairman, Merilyn Canet has established links with Sevenoaks businesses to emphasis how older people can contribute to their companies through their wisdom and experience.
In 2018, SDSAF produced and distributed hundreds of ICE cards – In Case of Emergency – to respond to discussions with Members about what would happen if there was an incident when away from their homes. The cards allow emergency services people to know who to contact in case of an emergency.
We have become active members of SEEFA – the South East England Forum for Ageing which allows us to contribute to national thinking on older people.
After 8 years in being, the Sevenoaks District Seniors Action Forum has grown from a handful of Members at the initial meeting to nearly eleven hundred. We believe that the ‘one aim’ written above is being achieved and that our work has helped to improve the life of older people in the District.
Achievements since 2010
Known to Decision Makers
MPs, most County, District and Parish Councillors; Departments of the County Council and the Big Lottery Fund know about us.
Our network of partners has grown through attending fetes and other events. Our newsletter is distributed even more decision makers and opinion formers.
Meeting with two of our MPs on a regular basis to raise concerns.
Big enough to make an impact
We have grown to 1100 members within 8 years.
Partnerships with Decision Makers
We are members of the Local Strategic Plan Older Persons Sub-Committee – this is a sub-committee of Sevenoaks District Council which directly contributes to the Local Strategic Plan, the top level planning document for the Council. We are also members of the Access Group.
We are influencing the relationship between the Older People’s Forums in Kent and the County Council meeting with Councillors responsible for older people.
We have attended Seleect Committees and have persuaded KCC to hold County-wide meetings of Senior Forums.
Throughout this time, we have maintained our independence, we have remained non-party political even though most of the issues that concern our Members are political ones.
People know that we discuss matters with honesty and integrity. That has made sure that we have added credibility to the way we work.