Over the last couple of years, NHS Kent and Medway have rolled out several digital healthcare systems to Primary Care, some in response to the Covid pandemic. These were put in place to allow GP Practices to continue to deliver healthcare to you in very difficult circumstances and in many ways, enhance services. This is alongside a backdrop of digital applications being used in ever increasing areas of everyday life.
The Digital Transformation team at are seeking peoples views on the following digital primary care systems:
- SMS/text messaging
- Online consultations
- Video consultations
We would really appreciate it if you could complete the survey and share it with your PPG members and your family and friends.
The link to the Patient Survey www.haveyoursayinkentandmedway.co.uk/movcv It should take no longer than 5 to 10 minutes to complete. The deadline is 9am on 1st March.
I would also like to encourage you to sign up/register to our new ‘Have Your Say in Kent and Medway’ site. This is one of the many ways we will be engaging with you and others living and working across Kent and Medway. And if you haven’t already, complete this form to sign up to our Health Network and receive a fortnightly bulletin along with hearing about events and local campaigns.
Communication and Engagement Team
NHS Kent and Medway